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Cape Porpoise Lobster Co. has merged with Port Lobster Co.


Servings: 4


4 Maine lobsters (1 lbs.)
2 ounces Worcestershire sauce
2 ounces soy sauce
½ pound margarine or butter
2 lemons, seeds removed
2 Tablespoons ketchup
½ Tablespoon fresh parsley
2 cloves garlic
½ teaspoon oregano
1 Tablespoon cracked pepper


Step 1. Ensure that lobster is no longer alive before skewing and placing on grill. This can be done by sticking a paring knife between the eyes of your Maine lobsters. Take the long skewer and thread it through the center of the lobster.

Step 2. On a hot grill, cook the lobsters until red in color.

Step 3. Mix Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, butter, ketchup, garlic, oregano, parsley, and pepper and saute slowly under low heat. Pour mixture into small bowl.

Step 4. Remove Maine lobsters from grill and cut into medium pieces. Place a toothpick in each piece of grilled lobster and dip into mixture.

Courtesy of the Maine Lobster Promotion Council and Cheryl O’Rourke, Glenview, IL